How Soon Can I Renew My Colorado Drivers License카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 16. 02:21
I have a couple of questions about renewing my driver's license. Let's start out with the fact that I am now 65, will be 66 when my license expries.How long before my license expires can I renew my license. For example, my license expires in August. How early before then can I renew?Is it true that I can submit an eye test result from my regular eye doctor instead of taking the eye test at the DMV?If I have to take the eye test at the DMV, do I wear my glasses during the test, or not?ThanksNot sure if this will help:You might have to go in to get a license in person - it doesn't say how soon before it expires (I did it a month before and online - but I was 64 at the time and did it online, they do ask you if you've had an eye test in the last 2 or maybe 3 years).
According to the site if you are 66 or older you will have to go in person if you have renewed the license by mail or online previously. This renewal I got was only for 5 years (it had been for ten previously). Maybe you can try calling them (good luck with that as all the state agencies take forever to answer their phones ) Good Luck. Unless it has changed, you can renew your license up to 90 days before it expires. You will take an eye test without glasses when you renew your license. If you can not pass the test without glasses, the examiner will have you repeat the test with your glasses on. If you pass, you will get a license, but it will have a 'corrective lens' restriction, meaning that you will have to wear prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses when you drive.
How Can I Renew My Colorado Drivers License Online
If you fail the test with corrective lenses, then you will be off to see your eye specialist to see if glasses or contacts can correct your vision to passable standards for your license. Colorado is by no means unique in this approach-most states do the same testing regimen.By the way, I trick I learned long ago was that one can renew a Colorado driver's license at any Colorado Motor Vehicle office (note that the DMV in Colorado is NOT where you get your license plates-those are issued by the County Clerk's office). So, if you're bummed by the long lines at the metro DMV offices, check some of the outlying DMV's (some aren't open all the time and some are also pretty busy) and see if it's easier to get in to get a license renewal at one of them. No, that DOES NOT work for license plates; they have to be issued/renewed in the county where you reside.